2011 has been a very special year for me because of all the first-times.
- First time working and living outside the country, although there is only a bridge away between the two countries. Sometimes I do get confused where am I at.
- First time being able to swim for more than 5m, its embarrassing I know but its already considered a big achievement for me, considering that I had never swim for the past 23 years of my life. Thanks to my sifus.
- First time traveled to totally unfamiliar countries alone. Ask me why I did that, because I wanna do something different for my 24th birthday and that was the most special and unforgettable birthday present I could give myself so far.
- First time conquered black diamond route (off road cycling trail) in Pulau Ubin, my bike was dead halfway and I even fell down once from the bike, but I am proud I did it, it was an awesome experience. Thanks again to my sifus.
- First time having vacation with all the family members together, yes first time. Hopefully there are more to come in year 2012!
Throughout the year, people and things I encountered along the way, regardless good ones or bad ones, they make me what I am today.
Year 2011, I have deeper understanding of time and life.
Life is short, yet time flies like no one's business. We don't have much time left to be wasted in our life.
We've got to forget the past, live in the present and look into the future, do not leave any regrets in our life.
We normally don't regret something we did, but something we didn't.
Happy New Year!