他 :(操着北京腔)小姐,你会讲华语吗?
我 :嗯。
他 :我是从北京来的,今天第一天到马来西亚。你有去过北京吗?
我 :没有。
他 :那你下次来北京可以来找我。哪,(拿出名片,名片上什么字都不起眼,只有那‘总经理’三个字最枪眼) 这是我的名片,我是北京一家公司的总经理。是这样子的,我刚来这里,没有马币,我的信用卡又不能过账,想请问你可不可以借我点钱吃晚餐?
我 : 。。。。。
他 :就一点钱,吃一顿饭就够了。你不用担心我不还你钱,我是位总经理(拿出护照,随便翻几面,什么也看不清楚) 没有必要骗你的钱,明天我就把钱还你。你在哪家公司上班?明天我打个电话给你,把钱送去你的办公室。你告诉我,你的办公室在哪里。
我 :。。。。。 (随便指向高楼大厦林立的方向,这么多栋楼,他大概得不懂那一栋才是。)
他 : 你的电话号码是什么?明天等我老板到了之后, 我把钱送去给你。
我 :我刚刚换了电话号码,我不记得我的电话号码是多少,016... 我只记得最后三个号码是913。
他 :没关系,你现在用你的电话打来我的电话。
我 :我的电话坏了,现在用着我哥哥的电话,不方便把号码随便给人。
他 :小姐,那你可不可以借一点钱给我渡过难关?就这一餐...
我 :。。。。。 (四处张望,路人都不以为然,没人可以帮我。)
他 :小姐,大家都是中国人,应该互相帮助。你也会又遇到困难的时候啊。
我 :我觉得你应该去警察局。
他 :小姐,他们也不能做什么啊。他们说我们这种生意团的,他们不理的。
我 :(当时天色已经很暗了,真得很想走了,逼不得已,无可奈何,不甘不愿的拿出十令吉)
他 :谢谢你啊小姐,明天我请你吃午餐。可是阿,小姐,你能不能再多给一些,我也需要找个酒店睡一个晚上。
我 : (哇靠,贪得无厌)你去像其他人借吧,我不够钱。
他 :小姐,我想你借钱已经觉得很羞耻了,我也有自尊心的啊。
我 :(你真的有自尊心就不会这样出来骗钱啦)我真的没有钱了,我再给你的的话我就不用回家了。
他 :可是你可以去按钱啊。
我 :(乍到!)我没有ATM卡,不能按。
他 :就在一点点钱,住一个晚上,小姐,我拜托你。
我 :就算我借你,也不够你住酒店。
他 :我就住那些廉价酒店,那些在唐人街的。
我 :你要怎样去那里,你有钱去咩?
他 :从这里走路过去啰,小姐,拜托你。
我 : (打开钱包,拿出几张RM1,还不是很想给他) 我就只有这些了。
他 : (探头看我的钱包)我看见你有一张五十块耶。
我 :(严重乍到!)这些钱不能给,给了你我也不用回家了。
他 :你需要多少钱搭车回家?
我 :三十多。
他 :这样吧,你把你的五十块给我,我还你十块,那你够钱回家了吧。
我 :(MD, 我真的火大,干脆收回那几张RM1) 你要再这样,我就连那十块钱也收回,到时你就连一分钱都不用拿!!(怒视了他一眼,直接走人)
第二天我告诉同事有个中国老向我要钱,她第一个反应就是 “不要相信他们!”。原来她也遭遇过这种事,还离谱到在同一天里遇上两个老千。同事告诉我那些中国老千都住在KLCC附近的酒店。
- 这些人都出没在KLCC, Jalan Ampang 一带。
- 相貌端正,衣着整齐,口操北京腔华语。
- 专向大马华人下手。
- “真得很高兴终于遇到会讲华语的人”
- 都是说‘借’钱吃饭的。
- 理由可能是皮包掉了/ 信用卡不能刷
- “大家都是中国人” (简直是废话!谁跟你是同一国的?我是马来西亚人!)
- 他们还会让你觉得他们找上你是你的‘荣幸’
you shudn't have stop to talk to him also. what if he has a gang? then he kidnap you?
有过同样的遭遇,印度人,简直停下我的车讨钱!还以为要问路。不过他只要2块搭巴士。jhua 给了就算。 你给他10块够‘慷慨‘ 哈哈
same conversation
same approach
there's alot other good person around
so next time u see this
always think that there'll be some other good ppl help them
hug hug
"I dun believe that you can return my money back even though you are a general manager. Because a person who cannot manage his traveling well must be also managing a shitty company. So, I dun trust you. Bye! "
Aiting, those who ask for money for bus fare i met before also, I gave him enough money to go home, then I saw him asking other ppl after me, I knew I was cheated, that one also RM2 only so still ok.
Actually I know he was cheating from the moment he started his story, he tot bringing a briefcase, giving a name card then he can be a MD, I dun even trust him, but I need to go. I was afraid that he might have his gang around, thats why I had to give him some money. That time was alone, dunno where to ask for help, no choice lo.
Walao, you can remember such a long conversation! Good memory! You have this kinda easy-$$ look. It's not surprise people come to you asking for $$. Next time could b a Shang Hai fellow...hahaha
that was part of the conversation only.. those thing he said that make me really 'kek sim'
u mean I look like easy to be cheated is it? fine
i m totally agree with wat ur fren, Kian said. Next time use those to shoot cheaters if u meet them again k?? haha.. good strategy..
btw, ur heart too good liao, if is me, i don even bother him, and i wont think that he stil got gangs there. if i were u, i wil blur at tat time, mayb as wat u did oso, gave him rm10, but after heard tat he kept asking money from me, somemore wan my rm50, i wil straight away grab back my rm10 and run away from him. Or i wil said, i bring u to police station and ask them to help u as u r tourist, for definitely they will help u wan..
Btw, easy for me to say oni, when i m in ur situation tat time, really hard for me to escape oso.. haha..
So, be careful next time and most importantly, protect urself and stay alert al the time whn u were outside..
I had such experience in Puduraya during CNY balik kampung. The guy simply started with, "I'm just out from prison ..." WTH!
fuyoh, if im free during that, i will lead him to the nearest police station. and say, you can get free curry rice everyday here. do not worry. free transport back to china will be taking off soon.
lol. craps.
Joshua, although its crap, but its damn true wo..
He can settle his dinner by getting free nasi lemak in police station..
why didn't i think of that ler? issshhh..
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